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Rabbi Eric Yoffie

A bold, inspiring and passionate speaker on Israel, Interfaith Dialogue, Church-State Issues, and American Religious Life 

Latest Article: How Should U.S. Jewish Camps Teach About Israel Post-Oct. 7? (Haaretz, July 1, 2024)
Latest VideoRabbi Eric Yoffie on the Jewish Broadcasting Service (JBS)’s End-of-Year Show (Dec. 28, 2022)

Most Requested Speaking Topics at Scholar-in-Residence programs, and at university and congregational lectures:

  • Israel and the Middle East: A fresh look at Israel’s inspiring story, external threats, and internal challenges
  • Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Evangelicals: How to have meaningful and effective interfaith dialogue
  • The Church-State Dilemma: What role should religion play in politics and where should we draw the line?


Rabbi Janet Marder Senior Rabbi, Temple Beth Am, Los Altos Hills, CA

Rabbi Yoffie was an outstanding guest scholar. He gave five presentations during the course of the weekend, and each one was insightful, provocative, inspiring and powerfully delivered. He knows how to teach and to engage with others in a manner that is clear, dynamic and always respectful. Our members responded with enthusiasm and delight; many told me he was the finest scholar in residence we’ve ever brought to our congregation. Hills, CA

H. Scott Matheney Chaplain and Dean of Religious Life, Elmhurst College, Chicago, Illinois

Central to the foundation of Elmhurst College is its religious and intellectual life. The Abraham Joshua Heschel Lecture sits squarely in that intersection, where rigorous intellectual discourse, contemporary issues, and deep faith exist together to help foster a community of mutual learners and scholars. This year the college hosted Rabbi Eric Yoffie who delivered a commanding and clear lecture focusing on a framework of our deep longings for leadership, values and the search for God.

Fundamental to his address was a strong analysis of the critical places in which our communities of faith have differed, and have found critical common ground. We look forward to his return in future years and would wholeheartedly commend him to others in university and religious settings.

Rabbi Yoffie presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos and has appeared on Fox, CNN, and many other news outlets. He writes regularly for Time, The Huffington Post, The Jerusalem Post, and the Israeli daily, Haaretz.


Dr. Ingrid Mattson Professor and Director, Duncan Black McDonald Center for the study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations

I remember Rabbi Yoffie, when you spoke at ISNA’s convention in Chicago…You spoke eloquently about the importance of fighting social and legal discrimination against Muslims. Your public words resonated with the audience, which gave you a standing ovation. What was especially remarkable, in my view, was the fact that the Muslims gathered were clearly convinced of your commitment to their rights, despite the fact that many of them would have disagreed with some of your views with some of your views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which you did not hesitate to express in that forum.

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