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How Should U.S. Jewish Summer Camps Teach About Israel Post-October 7?

Posted by on Jul 1, 2024 in By Eric, Haaretz | 0 comments

How Should U.S. Jewish Summer Camps Teach About Israel Post-October 7?

The time has come for Jewish camps to discard their obsession with “unity” and “solidarity” and set aside their bizarre reluctance to talk about the political issues at the very heart of the Israel-Palestine debate. As Jewish camps open for the summer across America, camp directors and staff are struggling with an agonizing question: How to teach Israel to Jewish kids in...

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Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Jews Won’t Serve in the Army; U.S. Jews Need to Speak Up

Posted by on Mar 26, 2024 in By Eric, Haaretz | 0 comments

Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Jews Won’t Serve in the Army; U.S. Jews Need to Speak Up

This week Israel’s Cabinet is planning to discuss, and possibly approve, a contentious bill that would continue to exempt ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students from being drafted into the army. Exemptions extended to virtually all ultra-Orthodox – or Haredi – Jews will expire at the end of the month, by order of the Supreme Court, and all segments of Israeli society have entered the fray, proposing...

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Progressive Judaism Won’t Surrender to the Ultra-Orthodox at the WZO

Posted by on Oct 26, 2020 in By Eric, Jerusalem Post | 2 comments

Progressive Judaism Won’t Surrender to the Ultra-Orthodox at the WZO

Jews of the Diaspora who are committed to Israel treasure the opportunity to engage in Zionist work under government auspices and to choose their own representatives to Congress deliberations. The 38th World Zionist Congress concluded its first-ever virtual session last Thursday night, following three days of hectic, contentious meetings.The take-away for most American Jews was this: The...

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Funeral Fiascos: Should Jews Rethink How We Honor the Dead?

Posted by on Feb 6, 2018 in Huffington Post | 3 comments

Funeral Fiascos: Should Jews Rethink How We Honor the Dead?

A friend of mine recently attended the funeral of someone he had known for many years. About a dozen people got up to speak. Most of them spoke badly. Often the eulogizers ended up talking not about the deceased but about themselves. When the funeral was finally over, at least an hour and a half later, my friend was frustrated and angry. “I cared about this person,” he said, “and she deserved a...

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We Will Not Give Up on Gun Control

Posted by on Oct 3, 2017 in Huffington Post | 0 comments

We Will Not Give Up on Gun Control

This article was published on April 18, 2013. Sadly, it is very relevant today Our leaders have failed us, again. And I don’t know about you, but as a religious person, I’m angry. Approximately 90 percent of the American people believe that their fellow Americans should undergo a background check before they are permitted to purchase a gun. But the legislation mandating those...

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Why I’m Thankful for America’s Immigrants and Religion

Posted by on Jul 2, 2017 in Time | 0 comments

Why I’m Thankful for America’s Immigrants and Religion

These reflections on the 4th of July, written in 2014 for Time Magazine, seem even more relevant in the Trump Era. The Fourth of July is nearly upon us. As always, we Americans will barbeque in our backyards, watch fireworks, and celebrate America. And there is much to celebrate. Americans are informal and down-to-earth. We introduce ourselves by our first names to practically everyone. We say...

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The Problem With No-Share Parenting

Posted by on Apr 21, 2015 in Time | 1 comment

The Problem With No-Share Parenting

A child who is 3 or 4 can be conditioned to share, to empathize, and to be generous. Don’t force your toddler to share. In fact, don’t encourage it all. It’s not even good for your child. Parents who insist that their kids “take turns” and give up their toys to other children on the playground are doing it mostly because they don’t want to be embarrassed in front of other parents. In short, we...

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Six Shared Values and the American Jewish Future

Posted by on Dec 9, 2014 in Jerusalem Post | 0 comments

Six Shared Values and the American Jewish Future

American Jews are a fractious lot.  Our religious differences are real and important.  Our community, after all, is known for its passionate pluralism, which in many ways is a blessing and a source of strength. I recently read an interesting take on these differences in a blog post by David Strulowitz published on the Wexner Foundation site.  Mr. Strulowitz provides a fascinating and...

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