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Posted by on Jun 20, 2014 in Articles | 0 comments

Perspectives on the Kidnapping of 3 Israeli Teens

Writing on the kidnappings in the Israeli daily Yediot Acharonot on June 15th, Retired Major-General and former national security advisor Giora Eiland suggested that Israelis should focus their attention on 3 points:

Perspectives on the Kidnapping of 3 Israeli Teens

(Photo from NBC News)

One:  The need to put in place systems to prevent future kidnappings.  The Israeli army has foiled a large number of attempts to kidnap soldiers by educating soldiers of the risks and prohibiting hitchhiking by soldiers.  But Eiland noted that civilian institutions in Judea and Samaria, such as yeshivot, have done little to stop their students from hitchhiking home, even in the middle of the night, and in some cases have refused to put fences around their buildings out of a fear that it will be taken as a sign of weakness.

Two:   The mistaken impression that Israeli authorities have been quick to release murderers and terrorists in return for kidnapped soldiers and civilians.  Eiland noted the importance of distinguishing between cases where kidnapped Israelis have been held in Lebanon or Gaza, and cases where they have been held in the West Bank.  In the former, any kind of rescue operation was impossible, and therefore deals were struck involving the release of imprisoned terrorists; but in the latter, there is generally some chance of freeing the captives through military action.  According to Eiland, wherever such a chance existed, even if slight and involving substantial risk, authorities chose that path; and he is confident that they will do so again.

Three:  The importance of Israel maintaining contact and relations with the Palestinian Authority (PA).  Eiland noted following the creation of a unity government between the PA and Hamas (actually, a government of technocrats, with the support from afar of Hamas), Israel proclaimed that it would not talk to PA President Abbas.  Eiland believes this is a mistake.  Even if there is no reason to talk to the PA now about a political solution leading to peace, there are many other things to talk about, including the possibility of cooperation on finding the kidnappers.  Indeed, the kidnapping emphasizes just how important such contact now is.

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